Plan miasta Newcastleton or

Newcastleton or - Najnowsze wiadomości:

cycling | Wark - Newcastleton (Reivers route), 66 Km

We impressed ourselves by easily managing the steep and substantial hill. The landscape impressed us too, by being grand and barren, with mountains (?) to the North. Finally, a long and well-earned downhill to Newcastleton for hotel, ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Matt Page Blog: Cross Racing Success

Instead I used the time to head up to North England for a weekend away and also paid a visit to Newcastleton in the Scottish Borders where the UK Solo 24hr Champs are to be held. It looks like it will be a fantastic venue and will be a ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Tan Hill - where on earth did that come from!

After a mile or so I approached a T-junction and had my first "oh my god!" moment of the day as I turned a corner and saw Ribblehead viaduct. It stands magnificent to your left at the head of Blea Moor. As I turned East heading towards ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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